Here are a few excerpts from the first page of the thread that made me run out and buy of bottle of this amazing stuff!
-Better Skin, Hair, Nails and Figure
Chlorella’s exceptional high concentration of vital nutrients makes it ideal as a beauty aid. It improves complexion, strengthens nails and activates hair growth. Taken regularly, Chlorella restores the body’s natural inner balance to reduce appetite and promote weight loss. It has no wonder that Chlorella users not only feel healthier and have more stamina, but are also told they look younger.
-Health Benefits of the Cell Wall
Chlorella’s unique cell wall is one of the important factors which set it apart from the other green foods. The Chlorella cell wall has the remarkable capacity to bind toxins and cleanse the body of harmful chemicals and pollutants in the blood and lymphatics. The cells walls are also an excellent source of fiber which promotes bowel function and regularity, an important key to a clean and healthy colon.
-Green Inside, Clean Inside and Healthy Inside
Diet high in fat and low in fiber are linked to colon cancer. Sluggish elimination results in digestive problems with toxic build-up. Toxins recycle in the body through the blood and lymphatics; this can lead to constipation, piles, poor organ functions and cancer. The bowels develop pockets (diverticula), the lining thickens, which slows down bowel movement (peristalsis). Chlorella nurtures the friendly bowel flora, the lactobacilli which promote digestive functions and peristalsis; thus help maintain, an efficient colon for optimum health.
-Chlorella also helps combat stress, pollution and halitosis. Its multi-nutrient complex makes Chlorella ideal for athletes and vegetarians.
-Chlorella has every B-Vitamin, and all others, it also has more protein per serving than beef. In addition it's protein is more readily absorbable than any meat form of protein and is instantly usable by the body. What this means for you is instant nourishment for your body in the form of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals. It's high in amino acids, RNA/DNA building blocks for cells and the body, and sooo many other elements. It is a complete food.
-Chlorella has been proven to aide in weight loss as it majorly curbs the appetite, and also creates the environment for the body to regulate the metabolism and loose weight. So if you're over weight, it will help you come down to a maintenance level, and if you're at your correct weight, then it will help you maintain that. Chlorella will not cause those who are underweight or the correct weight to lose, as it merely corrects the metabolism. Those with high metabolisms do not need adjustment in this area, so chlorella will go elsewhere where it's needed.
-Chlorella Binds to toxins and sucks them out of your system. This includes heavy metals. Chlorella also helps to alkanize the body so that it becomes a lean mean disease fighting machine. Chlorella is said to (after detox) regenerate the body and reviews have claimed to look and feel years younger.
-Side Effects
Detox Symptoms
Chlorella binds to heavy metals in the body, purifies the blood and adrenals, and the intestines as well. Because of that, it is normal to experience detox symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, pimples and zits, aches and pains, flu like symptoms, headaches, vomitting, lightheadedness, change in mood, and so forth. Please note that you may show no signs of symptoms and that is also okay but we want to let you know about all the possibilities. As these are all good signs that the body is detoxing, it is good to just ride it out and make it to the other side. They normally last a few days, and sometimes, can be lessened as you reduce your dosage. This is why it's important to introduce Chlorella gradually so that the body doesn't detox too fast. The only simple to watch is if you have violent vomitting. Please follow the steps listed below for that particular concern.
Detox symptoms that are unusual but can happen:
Faint or Vomiting: Hightly unusual but I want to mention it as I wish for safety! Here's the LD Checklist. If you vomit you must have a check list. 1) Make sure that your chlorella is NOT chinese as it is not held to inspection standards and can be corrupt. 2) Try a lowered dose (the minimum lowest possible) with food if you have tried it without. In addition even if this is the reverse info it still holds true: if you've taken it with food, take it without food. We've found that some people's bodies respond differently to how to take it. 3) Drink lots of water 4) If this still does not work you may be one of the select few who are allergic and must discontinue. Please save receipts so you can take it back if necessary. Please follow the necessary steps 2 and 3 if you are feeling faint. Some have felt faint when they have taken it without food and vice versa, so just switch the way you take it and see how you respond. If you are still feeling faint, reduce your dosage and follow the steps above. Faint is usually not an allergic response and is a detox symptom so you must find a way to ride it out so to speak by lowering your dose, changing the way you take it, and drinking lots of water. Only with vomiting must you watch to see if you should discontinue.
-Composition of Chlorella General Analysis
Moisture:3.6%Protein:60.5%Fat:11.0%Carbohydrate:20 .1%Fiber:0.2%Ash:4.6%Calories:421/100 gVitamins and Minerals
Vitamin A activity:55,500.0 IU/100g
B-carotene:180.8 mg/100g
Chlorophyll a1,469.0mg /100g
Chlorophyll b613.0 mg/100g
Thiamine (vitamin B-1)1.5mg/100g
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2)4.8 mg/100g
Pyridoxine (vitamin B-6)1.7 mg/100g
Vitamin B-12125.9 mcg/100g
Vitamin C15.6 mg/100g
Vitamin E1.0 IU/100g
Niacin23.8 mg/100g/TD>
Pantothenic acid1.3 mg/100g
Folic acid26.9 mcg/100g
Biotin191.6 mcg/100g
PABA0.6 mg/100g
Inositol165.0 mg/100g
Calcium203.0 mg/100g
Phosphorus989.0 mg/100g
Magnesium315.0 mg/100g
Zinc71.0 mg/100g
Copper0.08 mg/100g
Fatty Acids
Unsaturated fatty acids81.8%Saturated fatty acids18.2%C14:00.6%C14:10.9% C14:20.9%C16:015.6%C16:19.1%C16:25.5%C16:317.1%C18 :02.0%C18:110.0%C18:215.5%C18:322.8%
Amino Acids
Aspartic acid5.20
Glutamic acid6.29
This is the brand that I take.
I've been taking chlorella for about four months. I've experienced a lot of the benefits that are listed. Also, after stopping my birth control, I experienced PSYCHO acne, and since taking chlorella, my face has cleared up tremendously. Yay! In a few months, I'm expecting to have even, clear skin. Let's see what happens!
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