I've been doing a lot of research on natural herbs to treat common problems and to replace cosmetics made with chemicals. As I've mentioned before, after going off birth control, my face went crazy with acne. I tried sooooo many things that seemed to work for a few weeks then stop, or they did nothing at all. After much research, i discovered that my acne was hormonal. I wanted to find something that I could ingest that would cure my acne. Lavender got my interest because I read somewhere that it was good for acne and reducing swelling. Since I already buy a bunch of herbs at the natural foods store I decided to pick up some lavender too.
After only a few days, I noticed major improvement. My skin seemed a lot calmer. I was shocked. Now, I had been recently started taking Chlorella for a short time, so I didn't see much skin activity because of it. Since adding the lavender tea, I rarely see any pimples and if I do, it's just a blemish that goes away the next day. I also make tea with other herbs of calendula, lavender, burdock root, dandelion, fenugreek seed, and marshmallow, which all have acne curing properties. I'll talk about the benefits of the other herbs another time. My hair has also grown like crazy. I did a big trim a few months ago (like 3 inches), and all of that hair grew back in three months.
So, if you are having skin problems, I really suggest trying lavender. Lavender produces calming/soothing effects in those who use it. It also has high anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is good for killing bacteria. Lavender oil has been used to treat eczema, skin disorders/acne. I haven't tried the oil, but I might pick some up to treat past acne scars.
Lavender is a great herb to add to your beauty routine or diet because it is also used to treat insomnia, (My lavender tea knocks me out, so I never drink it before school or work), depression, abdominal complaints, anxiety, mood disturbances and loss of appetite.
Lavender oil used to treat
- fungal infections
- burns
- wounds
- eczema
- acne
- rheumatic ailments
- stimulate circulation
- soothe nerves
- cure headaches when applied to the temples
Lavender has been used since ancient times for bug bites, relieve itching, and rashes.
Lavender water used as a tonic for
- weakness
- fatigue
- fainting
- giddiness
Lavender as a food
- produces nectar which yields a high quality honey
- the flowers can be candied
- add flavor to baked goods
- lavender sugar
- tea bags
- Lavender has been known to increase photosensitivity
- studies show and three cases were found that the oils caused gynaecomastia, an abnormal breast tissue in teenage boys. Lavender can mimic oestrogens which triggered this disorder, I believe. Mostly, boys outgrow it and it goes away.
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