I love the comfortable look of sweater dresses. I even like the look with the leggings in the one above.(A little) I didn't understand a lot of the fall fashions in the beginning, but now I think I understand the creativity. Most of the looks this season are updated past looks. It was the same for the spring and summer season too, but not with the elegance of this fall season. A lot of current looks are very classy.
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Product of the Week:
One of my favorite products is Vaseline Intensive Care Moisturizing Bath Beads. It's been around for a long time, and it's consistent. It's still the same formula from when I remember my mom using it over 10 years ago. It has a great smell, is very moisturizing, and doesn't leave a ring around the tub. It's super cheap at any drug store (under $2) and you can get it in Botanical Garden scent, Soft Petal scent, or my favorite, Gentle Breeze Scent. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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