I like crochet handbags. They're easy to find and a lot of them are cheap. I love carrying bags that I don't have to really take care of. The cheap ones are cute too. You can be reckless with a bag and buy another for around $14.99 at a place like Target or Walmart. You might not want to be reckless with these bags pictured because they cost a pretty penny.
Me Despido Por Ahora
Product of the Week:
I got my eyebrows done for the first time in March of this year. Compared to when most girls start getting their eyebrows done, I'm about 7 or 8 years late. I never used to see a point in it and I felt that I didn't have the time to keep them 'tamed'. When I got out of that chair and saw what I looked like, I couldn't believe the change. Now, I will never let my eyebrows look the way they once did. I still don't have time to actually go and get them done on a regular basis, but I keep them up looking good at home with tweezers and Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover. It's like Nair for the face. I'm not good with wax and I feel like I have more control with the cream. I recommend!

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