Internal Benefits-Female tonic, especially for young women beginning menstruation and older women in menopause.
-May assist the body in the detoxification of chemicals and heavy metals
-Helps to reduce water retention, and is particularly helpful for PMS and menorrhagia, a condition where there is heavy menstrual flow in women.
-Helps Stimulate mothers milk, and increases energy after childbirth.
-Natural testosterone booster which aids in increased vitality in men.
-Diuretic that increases uric acid secretion, while at the same time, resisting nighttime bathroom urges. Great for urinary problems and bed-wetting issues.
-Anti-inflammatory capacities act to help many of the symptoms related to arthritis.
-Anti-hemorrhaging qualities for internal bleeding, as well as small cuts and wounds
-Anti-asthmatic for both bronchial and asthmatic difficulties, helping to clear constricted bronchial and nasal passages6
-Magnesium components moderates the pain of Fibromyalgia
-Contains natural antihistamines. Wonderful for hay fever and allergies
-Natural kidney and adrenal-gland tonic
-Powerful analgesic
External Benefits-Wound washes
-Foot baths
-Treating nettle-rash
-Dry, itchy skin
-Uneven complexion
-Getting rid of dandruff
-Improves the look of hair
I learned a few years ago that taking care of what's inside of you will show on the outside. I have literally seen the difference. I buy the loose herbs from Whole Foods or any other natural foods store. I put the herbs in a filter in a coffee maker and sweeten with raw natural honey. Very Simple!
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