Hey Everyone!
I hope you like the new look. It was starting to get a little ragedy. To the trends...
I can't believe that the fashion people have brought the grunge fashion back. I'm not mad about it though, I think there's some good and some bad about the style. Grunge was a lifestyle in the early 90's about being laid back, and not caring about how you looked. It was the complete opposite of preppie or well-put-together. It even went as far as not washing your hair or taking a shower. Disgusting.
Modern Grunge Fashion is the same plaid shirts, ripped jeans, and rocker t- shirts, but more fitted. It's not baggy and sloppy like in the 90's when that was really popular. I've always liked the laid back look and I would wear this style to an extent. I could never, never, never wear the lumberjack plaid shirts. That's were I would draw the line. But I would wear the zipped hoodies, big hoop earrings, and thermal shirts.
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Product of the Week:
You are missing out if you have not tried Pantene Pro V Ice Shine Shampoo. I used it all summer. I will be going back to it. I just like to alternate between good hair products. This shampoo gave me the shine I've been trying to get at home for a long time without going to the hair salon. I definitely recommend.

Im vy interested in grunge fashion, n i luv marc jacobs but i cant find any pictures of his grunge collection-perry ellis in 1992
nice diary,extra **props**
DISGUSTING! Grunge was NOT a fashion style nor will it ever be a fashion statement. Calling grunge a style or even a lifestyle is absolutely STUPID! The "grunge" musicians wore flannel because it was cold in Seattle. It is positivly STUPID to associate "Grunge" with freaking Marc Jacobs in any way shape or form. I CAN NOT BELIVE YOU WROTE THAT!
whoever said that grunge has nothing to do with marc jacobs is right. but at the same time i disagree...these are my reasons...number one yes, your correct, grunge was never a style or a fashion statement. actually it was the total opposite..it was anti-fashion. grunge rockers hated the idea of looking proper, with short hair. they even hated the hardcore scene with the expensive leather costumes. theyre main purpose was to express themselves, they didnt care how they looked. ok so your right about that...but in marc jacobs 1993 fashion collection it was all grunge. they turned the music style into an anti-fashion trend. marc jacobs literally revolutionized grunge into a different way of life. nirvana, silverchair, mudhoney, soundgarden...all of these bands created it but marc jacobs and of course the press made it into something more. now i dont know why thats so upsetting to a person, but i think its quite beautiful. to be able to take something ugly and make it into a form of art. marc jacobs only felt he could relate to people like kurt cobain, they both share a long history of pain and broken family. as well as drug/alcohol addiction. leave grunge and grunge fashion alone unless you know what your saying. obviously people who are angry about it are coming from a really pessimistic place. people like that ruin this world because they dont see the beauty in simple things. fashion doesnt mean stuck up and snooty...so if thats whats in a persons head, they should shut that thought out cause its a lie. lies ruin peoples character.
Grunge Fashion
1. I still don't know exactly what it's really supposed to mean. When the word first started being used, as far as I understood it, it was being used as an adjective for something like 'dirty-sounding guitars.' And then the popular, fashion thing turned it into a word that seemed to apply to dirty-looking people, rather than dirty-sounding guitars.
- Mark Arm, Mudhoney
I liked the idea of making some visual noise through clothing. I found a two-dollar flannel shirt on St. Mark's Place and I sent it off to Italy and had it made into a $300-a-yard plaid silk....I couldn't get enough of what was going on. Maybe it was Nirvana that brought me back. I guess it was a comfort because something that sounded so right — and non-commercial — had become so influential, so immediately. I remember being in Berlin the year the wall came down, and I was in some bar, and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was on the radio. At that moment I felt an energy I'd only felt before at clubs like Hurrahs, or when I was listening to garage bands.
-Marc jacobs
The 90s would be naked without GRUNGE FASHION. I'm already 27 and the Grunge era dressed my longterm memory. The flashy style of 80s were totally dumped by Kurt Cobain. Grunge would best fashion trend for me as well in music. It really makes me sick to think that it laid low in the early millenium when people appreciated the boring 8os craze. Good thing it now ressurected.
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