Royal blue is out and natural is in. The colors of the second are variations of brown and white. White is a good spring time color. With all of the new plants growing and everything being new , it represents cleanliness and innocence. Ivory is more earthy and represents a calmness. Brown is the earth color. Beige is a mix of white and brown which represents the same meanings of all the natural colors together. It is an excellent background color. Brown accessories are perfect for just about every outfit. They fit with every color.
Don't overdose on these natural colors. They are used to enhance colors to make them brighter and stand out better. Jessica Simpson uses natural colors perfectly wearing a green cardigan and jeans with a brown bag, belt, and boots. LC from the 'The Hills' wears natural colors just right in an ivory dress. Check out www.beauty.ivillage.com for cute natural color items!
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