¿Qué Tal?
Sorry for the delay. I was out of town for a few days, but I'm back to talk about my favorite trends and not so favorite trends.
Stripes are all over this season. Any sort of stripes in your outfit are acceptable. If it's in your socks, skirt, or all over your shirt, it's all good. You'll probably look like you're going for an afternoon of sailing, but I think thats the best part. It's a relaxed and laid- back look.
You can wear stripes in all different styles. Wide stripes, muticolored, horizontal or verical. Not too long ago though, the style experts were telling us to stay away from horizontal stripes. Claims were that they wideded the middle and were unflattering. I've always disagreed with this, but if you don't want to take any chances, the way to avoid the wide appearance is to wear vertical stripes. They are shown to lengthin the body and be slimming. Small horzontal stripes are fine and flattering also.
Now, of course, don't wear a striped top with a striped bottom. A striped top is best with a solid colored bottom. Pin stripes are the absolute best for the bottom and flatter everyone. I don't like horizontal stripes on legs, but they are accepted in a short skirt or even tube socks (if that's your thing). Anyway's, I believe stripes will always be here because I've been wearing them since I was little and I really started wearing them a lot in 1999 and I still am. Well, that's it for today! See ya!

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